Social Dinner

Open to students- FREE admission to browse exhibits!

Exhibit Reservation Form

Exhibit Information:

Includes one attendee registration, meals and you are entitled to present a 45 minute presentation!

*Please note to register for the Social Event, mark it on the exhibitor or attendee registration form. To register for the workshop, please click on "register" above and complete the registration form for the workshop.

ECCMA Member
$1,650.00 USD
Non ECCMA Member
$2,250.00 USD

Exhibit Booth Details:
Each booth will be roughly 8' deep x 10' wide including 6' x 2' table, draped with two chairs, wireless internet and one 110v electrical outlet.

Exhibit Booth- Shipping, Drayage, Set-up, Rentals:
All exhibitor items can be shipped to:
Naomi Curtis
Hotel Bethlehem
437 Main Street
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Please contact Naomi Curtis at ncurtis@hotelbethlehem.com for further information.


AURA is focused on development and implementation of information systems for military and civilian logistics. AURA provides comprehensive services in the area of NATO Codification and ISO 8000/ISO 22745 compliant codification.
AURA offers:
· Codification according to the standards of the NATO Codification System (NCS). AURA is a certified Codification Agency

· MC CATALOGUE - a tool for easy and user-friendly material codification according to the NCS for National Codification Bureaus, codification agencies and defence industry

· MCC eOTD – the bridge between NCS and eOTD for complex eOTD codification. It can be used as a stand-alone application or as an integrated module of MC CATALOGUE

· Codification of services

· Classification according to CPA, CPV, UNSPSC, eOTD

PiLog provides Master Data Quality Solutions for Corporate clients in support of their ERP’s. PiLog delivers mature, feature rich web-enabled software solutions for Master Data Management across continental boundaries and in multiple languages for the medium and large enterprises. This includes high quality data cleansing and restructuring services in accordance with international standards.

PiLog  offers:

· Master Data Quality Software solutions for the creation and management of procurement materials and services master data, vendor management, maintenance configuration management

· Bills of materials and maintenance master task information.

· Master Data Quality Solutions for the creation and management of Supplier catalogues for corporate procurement.

· Master Data Quality Solutions for the acquisition of material catalogues (SPIR or SPILL), maintenance plant configuration, Bills of Materials and maintenance Works order information during new plant construction or plant expansion projects.

· Master Data management and cleansing, standardisation and normalisation services through our network of Master Data Refineries on several continents and in accordance with a variety of international standards such as ISO 8000, SMD, UNSPSC, USC, NATO, e-Class, etc.

· Master Data cleansing is performed in English, Russian, and Italian. French and Portuguese will become available soon.

· Consulting and support services in the entire scope of master data quality management for customers that wish to improve master data management to world best practices.

· PiLog has a proud track record of successful projects and customers in a variety of industries, including Petrochemical, Mining, Steel, Food and Beverage, Transportation, large Facility Management, Telecommunications, Aeronautical, Defence, as well as a diversity of processing plants and heavy Manufacturing.

Infor acquires and develops functionally rich software backed by thousands of domain experts and then makes it better through continuous innovation, faster implementation options, global enablement, and flexible buying options. In a few short years, Infor has become the third largest provider of business software.


  • Automotive Industry Content Standards Council- represented by Jackie and Chris Roberts of DATAForge LLC
  • Aerospace Content Standards Council- represented by Harold Frisch of NASA
  • Service Industry Content Standards Council- represented by Salomon de Jager of PiLog
  • Defense Industry Content Standards Council- represented by Ian Smith of UK National Codification Bureau (UK NCB)